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Starting a Business

Cô Annanew
American English

Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
What type of business did the narrator start?
a A bookstore
b A bakery
c A coffee shop
d A clothing store
Question 2:
What was the first step in starting the business?
a Renovating the space
b Hiring staff
c Creating a business plan
d Buying equipment
Question 3:
Where is the business located?
a In a shopping mall
b Downtown
c In a suburban area
d Online
Question 4:
How did the narrator promote the business?
a Through television ads
b By sending flyers
c Using social media and local events
d Through billboard advertisements
Question 5:
How did the narrator describe the experience of running the business?
a Easy and stress-free
b Unsuccessful and difficult
c Challenging but rewarding
d Boring and uneventful
Please answer all questions about the text:
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