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What to bring when Camping

Cô Annanew
American English

Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
What is the first item suggested for a camping trip?
a A sleeping bag
b A tent
c Food supplies
d A cooler
Question 2:
What is necessary for sleeping?
a A portable stove
b A sleeping bag and pad
c A flashlight
d A map
Question 3:
What should be used for cooking during camping?
a A campfire
b A portable stove
c Restaurant takeout
d Solar cooker
Question 4:
What is important for hydration?
a Alcoholic beverages
b Reusable water bottles
c A water filter
d Energy drinks
Question 5:
What type of clothing should be packed?
a Fashionable outfits
b Extra layers and rain gear
c Only lightweight clothes
d Just swimwear
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