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A Walk in the Park

Cô Annanew
American English

Did you understand the text?

Please answer the following questions of understanding:

Question 1:
What time of day did the narrator go for a walk?
a In the morning
b In the afternoon
c In the evening
d At night
Question 2:
What did the narrator see blooming in the park?
a Trees
b Bushes
c Flowers
d Vegetables
Question 3:
What were the ducks doing in the park?
a Flying
b Sleeping
c Swimming and greeting visitors
d Eating
Question 4:
What were children doing in the park?
a Studying
b Playing on the playground
c Walking dogs
d Fishing
Question 5:
How did the narrator feel after the walk?
a Tired and bored
b Anxious and stressed
c Rejuvenated and grateful
d Confused and lost
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